
Results 19 comments of Sairyss

Hey. Thanks for reporting the issue, I will check that out when I have time.

I just tried starting the application and I don't get any error. Try deleting node_modules and installing them again maybe this will help.

I'm using version 16.14.0. I also tried using version 12.22.11 and it worked too. If you have much older version try running it with a newer version of node. You...

This is caused by `npm upgrade`. Newer versions of TypeOrm have breaking changes. Skip the upgrade part and make sure you are using package-lock.json file provided in a repository (and...

I used this package:

Thanks for the PR! I left some comments

Hey This interface is incorrect, I left it as `number` because I had some type overload issues and I forgot to fix it later. TypeOrm interface looks like this: ```TypeScript...

1. This is just an example to show that you can use TypeOrm repos if you have specific queries that can't be simply queried using `this.findOne()`. In this case either...

The problem is that mapper requires all (or almost all) fields to be present to save the entity, but in a query all fields are optional. Also a query may...

That's right, you have to adjust either a type to accept only the parameters specified in `prepareQuery`, or modify Repository to your liking. I'll think how to improve it in...