Saif Kazi
Saif Kazi
I was assigned to #82 which required me to add validation to the Campus Leader Application Form. Before creating a pull request #86, I tested the changes with my credentials...
We use Sphinx for document generation and our documentation is hosted on readthedocs. The current documentation is an API Reference that does not include examples and usage. Adding these examples...
We use Sphinx for document generation and our documentation is hosted on readthedocs. The current documentation is an API Reference that does not include examples and usage. Adding these examples...
We use Sphinx for document generation and our documentation is hosted on readthedocs. The current documentation is an API Reference that does not include examples and usage. Adding these examples...
This can be used as a reference -
There are different scoring functions derived from inferential statistics to select k best features from the dataset. Currently, the scoring functions supported are - - `f_regression` - `mutual_info_regression` - `f_classif`...
We use Sphinx for document generation and our documentation is hosted on readthedocs. The current documentation is an API Reference that does not include examples and usage. Adding these examples...
We use Sphinx for document generation and our documentation is hosted on readthedocs. The current documentation is an API Reference that does not include examples and usage. Adding these examples...
We use `Sphinx` for document generation and our documentation is hosted on `readthedocs`. The current documentation is an API Reference that does not include examples and usage. Examples for the...
It is important to understand where each of the modules and the pipeline itself can be improved and optimised. Evaluation scripts test and run the modules over real-world datasets and...