
Results 9 comments of SafwanGanz

> list and button messages working normally after latest update, only template messages still not working correctly, do you have the latest version installed? No

> I converted the image in base64 but still not working. > > const ur="" const buffer = Buffer.from(ur, 'base64') client.sendMessage(m.from, {image:{url:"[",}}](,%7D%7D), {jpegThumbnail:buffer}) Resize image to 340px then try again

> use [this baileys]( Its baileys bro

> I am sending a pdf file but the preview is not generated. > > ![image]( > > How should I proceed to generate this view? Resize image to 360p

> you can change the pitch How to change?

> can you confirm if the `dist` folder and `app.js` inside `dist` exists or not ? Yes