Tanishq Sangwan
Tanishq Sangwan
> Are you using [ProseMirror](https://prosemirror.net/)? Please take a look at the [README](https://github.com/benrbray/prosemirror-math/blob/master/README.md) file for instructions. You can also see a usage example in the [`docs-src/` folder](https://github.com/benrbray/prosemirror-math/tree/master/docs-src). My bad sorry, I...
I have an application making the use of rich markdown editor (https://github.com/outline/rich-markdown-editor) which is a prose mirror based editor and since prose mirror math is a plugin, I wanted to...
Oh, uhh, thanks again for the time in that case
@dominiczy im not sure if I'll be much help since ts isn't really my thing, logic is but is it possible we could have a chat like maybe discord (Sadashi#8370)...
So say today the date is 8th August, the query would show me daily registrations for the last 30 (or a number which can be set ofc) days. So like,...
Anything maybe?