Sabrina Jewson

Results 36 comments of Sabrina Jewson

C++20 SCFix comes in three parts: 1. The “Power, ARM, and GPU implementability” part, which weakens SeqCst by enabling two new possible executions that can be produced by mixing SC...

I am struggling to come up with such an example. I can easily make an example where I believe C++11 would allow the behaviour but it is forbidden by C++20,...

> how much the compiler will need to know about their correspondence with the Fn traits to be useful The compiler will need to know about them to get type...

I mean, potentially. If `async |x|` were stabilized but it just desugars to `|x| async { /* … */ }` then obviously not, but I’d imagine it’d be possible to...

I don’t see why you can’t just use `T: Deserialize` in the code example you posted. `&Value` is a `Deserializer` so it should just work. Edit: Nevermind, I misread. Even...

My implementation in the linked PR is indeed not zero cost — but async streams are in general not really zero cost, but since the cost is a single pointer...