Hi. I have written a wrong number: 1. the version is 0.6.8 of TeXworks (updated 2024-1-28 on my laptop). After I will change the number in the TeXworks issue on...
@stloeffler Dear Stefan Löffler I read your comment carefully. I have not tested version 0.7 at the [link]( because I have feared to cause the damage in the distribution of...
@stloeffler Very kind Stefan Löffler we know that MiKTeX is development by Christian Schenk. Who will notify him that the version that version 0.6.8 of TeXworks has problems and that...
@stloeffler Here there is my issue done on MikTeX related to TeXworks:
@stloeffler Thank you for your precious work and help for me. I will wait the last updated of MikTeX with new version of TeXworks. Best regards.
@stloeffler Hi. Do you have news for new TeXworks. I have always the same bad rendering using TeXworks. What I must doing? My best regards.
@edocevoli @stloeffler The problem of rendering since 2024-3-19 yet is evident. What is the solution for Christian Schenk? I wait an answer. Bye. Sebastiano
@tbackdahl Hi Thomas. Thank you very much for your response and for your help. Reading your post I inform you that I have the same problem after that I have...
@edocevoli Good morning. Please can you reopen my request? The problem persist yet. Regards.