Simone Rodigari
Simone Rodigari
## Description It appears the "expected" output indentation is updated during tests execution. See ``` VERIFY FAILED snip_egress_gateway_for_http_traffic_10 (timeout after 120s): received: " X509v3 Subject Alternative Name: critical URI:spiffe://cluster.local/ns/istio-system/sa/istio-egressgateway-service-account"...
## Issue Step 1 (verify the correct certificate of the egress gateway) in the [troubleshooting section]( doesn't work for Gateway API. 1. New tab for Gateway API commands 2. In...
Terraform import for `ibm_container_vpc_cluster` is failing as "zones" blocks are missing. ```hcl ❯ terraform plan ibm_container_vpc_cluster.cluster: Preparing import... [id=c4i5focd0ltfi203fbog] data.ibm_resource_group.resourceGroup: Reading... ibm_container_vpc_cluster.cluster: Refreshing state... [id=c4i5focd0ltfi203fbog] data.ibm_is_vpc.vpc: Reading... data.ibm_resource_group.resourceGroup: Read...
**Describe the bug** A clear and concise description of what the bug is. **To Reproduce** ```sh make quick-build make helm-install-without-tls ``` Once the control plane is deployed: ```sh hubbleRelayPodName=$(kubectl get...
## Issue The Hubble control plane Grafana dashboards are currently broken for node selection and require similar fix applied as part of #797 ## Goal 1. Fix the dashboards 2....
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** When changes occur on the site, there is currently no option to visually inspect directly on a browser. It'd be...