Results 26 comments of SQKo

Hello, any update on this? The code in the commit fixed our issue with DiscordPHP

I'm not really sure, but you can set the `defaultHelpCommand` in options to `false`, this disable the whole command help https://github.com/discord-php/DiscordPHP/wiki/Command-Client

- [x] ~~CHANNEL_CREATE~~ - [x] ~~CHANNEL_DELETE~~ - [x] ~~CHANNEL_PINS_UPDATE~~ - [x] ~~CHANNEL_UPDATE~~ - [ ] GUILD_BAN_ADD (user only) - [ ] GUILD_BAN_REMOVE (user only) - [x] GUILD_CREATE - [x] ~~GUILD_DELETE~~...

Missing events: Integration Create Integration Delete Integration Update User Update Webhooks Update

The solution to update member cache is probably utilizing [array_walk()](https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.array-walk.php), [array_walk_recursive()](https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.array-walk-recursive.php), or specialized iterator code... since the attributes might have nested object or a collection which need to be treated...

Sorry, I don't know what is the "fix" here, can you show what's wrong? The collection class implements ArrayAccess so it should not need to be converted to array.

> The second one is the function signature type hints the options parameter as array which only accepts actual arrays and throws when being passed an OptionRepository. Can you remove...

> I can do away with the `->toArray()` call. Changing this with ->toArray() would break the existing user implementations that deals $options repository with collections functions, especially to non sub...

Note to myself: Autocomplete listeners will only work on base command, due to `options` data might be partial. Thus the auto completion suggestion must be done manually from the $interaction...

If you know how, you can try build one from https://github.com/davidcole1340/dca