Palominos Sylvain
Palominos Sylvain
Hi, I'm also working with @ebocher and @nicolas-f. We'd like to know if you have news about the OSGI support of Renjin. As said by @nicolas-f, we would like to...
Thank you for your work. I will take time to finish that work and submit a pull request.
Hi, I've worked about the OSGI-ification and how to resolve the dependencies problem. --- The better way will be to make all the dependencies be OSGI compatible. But those changes...
Hi, we worked about the OSGIfication of Renjin. On our repository, we created several OSGI external dependencies in order to integrate Renjin inside a R console in OrbisGIS. Stills several...
Hi, some news about the issue. We have implemented a R console working with Renjin for the R code execution. For that we have transformed Renjin and its dependencies into...
> @SPalominos @ebocher Some updates are needed in the code since there is some small errors: > > * [ ] CSVRead : "path, deleteTable" does not work > *...