S. McCandlish

Results 5 issues of S. McCandlish

I get a tag input field, and I get a /tags page, but actual tagging does not work. I can put something into the field, but it never shows up...

At least the base background-color and font color of the input field should inherit from site-wide form style (whatever else might be going on with colorization and bordering of actual...

The composer.json file still has version 1's date in it. Should be updated to `"time": "2020-06-21",` which seems to be the last date of substantive changes.

The Win version is missing the data it needs to actually run and do anything. Has to be found in source.zip or source.tar.gz (and people unfamiliar with this sort of...

``` $ swda -? dyld: Symbol not found: _$s15_ObjectiveCTypes01_A11CBridgeablePTl Referenced from: /Users/smccandlish/Downloads/temp/SwiftDefaultApps-v2.0.1/swda Expected in: /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/lib/swift/macosx/libswiftCore.dylib in /Users/smccandlish/Downloads/temp/SwiftDefaultApps-v2.0.1/swda Abort trap: 6 ``` Maybe this is some super-duper-obvious thing to Swift devs,...