Stephen Kempin

Results 15 comments of Stephen Kempin

@alexisvisco Did you find a solution to this? Thanks

@alexakasanjeev Yes I am, please feel free to open a PR with an update to the latest SDK :)

@mtfum @MartinNuc I am trying to pull data from two worksheets in the same spreadsheet file, is this possible?

Tested and I can confirm this works

@woeden Did you find a solution to this? Thanks

@harrisrobin @Evacaca worked for me: ``` console.log("onPress")}> ```

@brentvatne I am experiencing this exact issue too, however it is not just on the splash screen - it is on all screens on an iOS standalone build. Examples below....

@SimenB Can you explain your fix please? Thanks!

@SimenB Thanks, did you add this in every screen or just the router? Also, that is targetting Android, whereas I am experiencing the issue with iOS, which doesn't allow you...

I am experiencing this with `signInWithPopup` with Google as the provider. Has there been any progress? ``` react": "^16.13.1", "firebase": "^7.13.2", "react-dom": "^16.13.1", "react-redux": "^7.2.0", "react-redux-firebase": "^3.3.0", ```