Chunchi Che

Results 14 comments of Chunchi Che

I have the same problem that the sdcard init failed. And for the @Forty-Bot 's answer, can you give more details about adjusting the pins in main.c?

I have a question. does `source` have `clone` function? I'm new to this crate, thanks.

在 Maixpy Go 上试验,学长写的 lab0 确实能在 k210 板子上跑了。能正确处理时钟中断并输出 `100 ticks`。

支持,如果有时间的话,自己去弄懂 SPI 驱动怎么写,自主可控。

看到一个错别字:virtqueue虚拟队列::可用环 那里,有一处地方“可用环”写成了“可以环”。 不好意思我来挑刺了,修改之后这个评论就删掉吧。

How about adding an optional argument to useClick like this? ```Typescript type DependencyList = ReadonlyArray; export function useClick( onClick: MeshEventType, ownRef?: MutableRefObject, deps?: DependencyList ): [MutableRefObject] { const createdRef =...

> @SKTT1Ryze - does this help? Yes, it can. Thank you so much.