Roujel Williams

Results 24 issues of Roujel Williams

Hello JFons! I gotta say. This is very impressive! I _never_ would've thought of using the Camera's Frustum mode to shift the near plane like that. I'm so jealous. :)...

Remember that [suggestion]( @lawnjelly made about the way LODs are updated? Well this pull request has this feature implemented. the refresh project settings have been replaced with `refresh_threshold_ms`. The lower...


**Summary** Within custom item components' template function, is a template context parameter. This parameter has a `player` property that allows you to modify the player definition files. However it's `create()`...


Custom UI is hard enough to make as it is with little documentation. Having a realtime preview window for it can make it easier to understand and faster to develop....


**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** Sometimes, you'd want to move a build from one to another, but because of Minecraft Bedrock's limitations, this isn't easily...

