bro is there any solution to install your blockexplorer with bitcored
I understand, but for me now! im stuck with this page
I have Cointype, SCRIPT_ADDRESS = 0x5 PUBLIC_KEY_ADDRESS = 0x3f SEGWIT_ADDRESS = sys Just Trying to understand what other things i need to create, even how i add this config to...
@sondreb will you help me with configuration. i will try to maintained on my VPS
@dangershony yes it is blockchain based coin. so how i am locally do this?
i am new learner here, dont know how to put pr
For example. tried to change --Chain=BTC Settings. how i can do locally?
Ok i understand, i created syscoind. but how i use --chain=syc
can you add sys in your blockcore list. so it will be easy for me. because i tried to use custom_btc. but its giving me error. ``` fail: Blockcore.Indexer.Core.Sync.SyncServer[0] Sync...
I will wait, if you can make syscoin indexer. i will see my self too.. but waiting from your side