Been using this mod in my [Better Minecraft Modpack](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/better-minecraft-modpack) since the beginning and removed it in latest update due to how bad tps gets with it and removing the mod...
Ill make a more informed Issue when I have the time but as it stands this happens on any Server Hosting sites like Bisect Hosting or on my PC for...
> Can confirm, it is because of the dependency MoreTags. > > [gudenau/minecraft-MoreTags#14](https://github.com/gudenau/minecraft-MoreTags/issues/14) > > The mod is including an outdated build of More Tags. Update it, and the issue...
I had this problem and the mod Connectivity was causing it.
Removed mods one by one and removing that made it so it stops giving that error
Yeah was trying to add it to my Better MC Modpack. Thanks the help
in its config you can possibly stop it from checking its mixing for example something like this mixin.ai.poi=false but thats not for mowzies
Posted the proper update for it in https://github.com/tom5454/Toms-Storage/issues/182