Love introducing that idea that Bitcoin levels the playing field, knocking down the currency borders and freeing the marginalized voices who have no voice/currency in the economic marketplace, and no...
complexified is the perfect tautology
very nice - esp the last one. Wondering if it would make sense to show one more step on the UBI diagram illustrating how much the person depicted would receive...
I like the logic flow, still studying balance changes vis a vis voting actions
@virgile-dev you asked what else to illustrate - 1) Section 3.4.1 - concept of current lifetime initial award e.g. an illustration that shows initial award changing at age ten, age...
I really love that POI flow - I think it's one of the better charts I've seen in any ICO paper anywhere. With updated voted tokens, It definitely makes the...
Just reviewing the paper again - the "Alice and Bob" diagram will really add to the paper (Santi should just choose more universal names.....)
Tiny nit on the POI diagram, typo - missing 'p" i.e. (
@paulamlb is there an ETA on these?
@paulamlb I was thinking it would be good to post the Democracy Academy program at, i.e. an introductory message with a post/link for each unit, serves not only as...