[bugfix] ## What this does Closes #36439. ## How this was tested by not skipping holominimap generation, and creating a level 5 singulo and haunting that. ## Changelog :cl: *...
[tweak] ## What this does redoes #34059 but without the retracking stuff as it caused some controversy actually locks the AI eye to the tracked mob so it gets updated...
[grammar][consistency] ## What this does creates a separate proc for showing stuff bought by an antag shows ling spells ## Changelog :cl: * tweak: Changeling spells now show up on...
## What this does takes ALL of the add_reagent stuff in new() from reagent container objects and makes it automatic with the reagents_to_add variable, as seen in lollipops gives that...
[bugfix][consistency] ## What this does gets some ones i missed, changes the line back to before #36469 but with an alternate loc check (turns out adjacent is only one-directional, hence...
[bugfix][consistency] #### Description of issue using food or drink in hand consumes it without delay, while clicking yourself with it does. making an issue instead of fixing it because i...
[bugfix] ## What this does so displays don't skip from 0:06 to 0:04 for example changes emergency shuttle subsystem update from 2 to 1 seconds, supply shuttle one was already...
[bugfix][cleanup] ## What this does redefines this proc down to the /mob/living level and calls it there, cuts out redundant code splits parts for death, sleeping, blindness, deafness and crit...
[featurerequest] it comes with 2 circuits for large fishtanks so why not
[bugfix][consistency] ## What this does takes the blend_items lists of mortars and grinders and combines their values onto vars on types of /obj/item, any values that are higher in the...