Shubham Sharma
Shubham Sharma
Hi @adeniyiao , I have updated the code as requested. Can you please check again?
Hi @hellicarusprime @adeniyiao do you know when next release will be? Need to plan for update the Snapmint SVG in payment app. Thanks.
@adeniyiao When will the changes be merged?
> @SDSHARMASHUBHAM , could you please confirm if `qliro` is rebranding to `snapmint`, I'm curious as to why this PR is modifying an existing payment method No qliro is not...
> Hi @SDSHARMASHUBHAM , you will have to update this PR to add snapmint and not modify qliro as there's an existing PR for qliro > Can you please explain...
@adeniyiao do you know why i can't select the Snapmint icon in Shopify under AppExtensions > "Add Payment methods"? When it will be available in Payment Method Section ?