Scada-LTS copied to clipboard
Scada-LTS is an Open Source, web-based, multi-platform solution for building your own SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) system.
…emented method from SerialPortWrapper: open, close, added method: Common.getSerialPorts() and use in DataSourceEditController; moved modbus4j-3.0.2-javadoc.jar and modbus4j-3.0.2-sources.jar to modbus dir; refactor ModbusSerialDataSource, DataSourceEditDwr.createModbusSerialMaster; added property comm.serial.timeout.mode, comm.serial.timeout.write,, comm.serial.sleep to...
**Reason** Data Source of SQL type does not use pool connections, it uses its own connection. Also, the connection handling is low-level, we don't use JdbcTemplate there from Spring. This...
## Introduction The topic concerns the stabilization tests of version 2.7.1, before the release. ## Install by docker-compose 1. You must have a docker-compose installed. 2. Download file and uzip:...
…chable, UserCommentDaoWithCache, IUserCommentDAO; deprecated: UserCommentDAO.deleteUserCommentEvent
…ected textRenderer, imageSet; generate unique key; viewComponents as local state; reload components after create new graphical view
**Motivation** This information will help you diagnose your system. On this basis, it will be possible to determine what a given thread is doing at the moment. **Description** Consider the...
**Description** While processing none events, an attempt is made to add a record in UserEvents, which should not happen, such an event is not saved to the database. **Spec:** -...
Tracking issue for: - [ ]