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Test version 2.7.1
The topic concerns the stabilization tests of version 2.7.1, before the release.
Install by docker-compose
- You must have a docker-compose installed.
- Download file and uzip:
- Create dir example scadalts and move file *.yml
- Open two terminals in scadalts dir and execute command:
docker-compose up database
docker-compose up scadalts
O - backend/old views
- [x] #1606 Integrate REST API with permissions
- [ ] #1623 Alarm Notification Flag that use WebSockets
- [ ] #1716 Custom CSS settings
- [x] #1721 Support authentication in HTTP retriever
- [ ] #1722 Support JSON in HTTP publisher
- [ ] #1757 Generate Junit Test XML Reports
- [x] #1765 Build Docker Image using GitHubActions
- [ ] #1789 Fixing #1782 issue with usage of different approach
- [ ] #1828 Adding a new logging type
- [x] #1870 WebSockets for Vue.js User Interface pattern
- [ ] #1876 AmCharts Live update by WebSocket
- [ ] #1878 WebSocket AmCharts
- [ ] #1886 Refactor of getSubject method in EmailContentUtils
- [x] #1921 Get highest alarm level for user
- [ ] #1929 Refactor JSONUser class which is going too deep into the application layers
- [ ] #1935 System Settings consistency
- [ ] #1936 Purging data based on values limit
- [x] #1938 Graphics unplugged on graphical view
- [x] #1957 Simple Point Table Graphical View component
- [ ] #1978 Fixed event list
- [x] #1982 Update Log4j to increase security
- [x] #1994 Secure DWR methods
- [x] #2020 Import/Export for reports
- [x] #2026 Fixed HttpRetriver migration
- [x] #2031 Fixed aggregation api for multistate
- [x] #2036 Old UI Embedded mode disable
- [x] #2042 simplePoint changevalue popup has no background
- [x] #2045 Server error on user update
- [x] #2047 User not authorized error in new UI
- [x] #2072 Version upgrade for Synoptic Panel migration
- [x] #2089 Fix vulnerabilities reported in #1734
- [x] #2093 Added an endpoint returning the hierarchy of datapoints
- [x] #2130 Fixed
- [x] #2132 Updated docker-compose.yml with CATALINA_OPTS
- [x] #2137 Docker-compose wait for start database
- [x] #2173 Fixed import project
- [x] #2188 Http headers configuration in system settings
- [x] #2191 Corrected security for uploads images
- [x] #2199 Corrected path
- [x] #2255 Corrected schema version for spring-security
- [x] #2261 Corrected schema version in web.xml
- [x] #2277 Fixed background loading in public view
- [x] #2279 Enabled async-supported
V - new views [vue]
- [x] #1607 Integrate SVG Synoptic Panels with new User Interface
- [x] #1641 DataSources as new Vue.js page
- [ ] #1762 Corrections for the Synoptic Panel
- [ ] #1859 Users as new Vue.js page
- [ ] #1860 User Profiles as new Vue.js page
- [ ] #1877 Event List as new Vue.js page
- [x] #1879 WatchList as new Vue.js page
- [ ] #1933 Add navigation to Modern User Interface from OldUI Pages
- [ ] #1934 Complete new User Interface
- [ ] #1946 Point Hierarchy as Vue.js page
- [ ] #1974 Modern Interface navigation bar
- [ ] #1973 Graphical views v2.0 - Vue.js page
- [ ] #2006 Selection of DataPoint to be rendered on chart (Vue.js WatchList)
- [ ] #2118 Taking into account the colour configuration for TextRenderer
- [ ] #2167 Fixed graphical view component
- [x] #2243 Disabled Graphical View 2.0
- [ ] #2245 Corrected sorting of folders and points on watchlist