Sebastian Blechmann
Sebastian Blechmann
I had this issue like for ever! Sometimes clicking somewhere else worked and somtimes I helped myself by just clicking some suggested URL and then I had to delete the...
Hey there, I just wanted to check if you guys plan on working on this soon :) I'm also interested in setting the read preference.
If I'm not running the host system on my own, how do I know where the host system fetches its system time from? I mean... The only thing I'd like...
> > > > iotagent-node-lib/lib/services/ngsi/entities-NGSI-v1.js corresponds to an obsolete version of the API [soon to be removed]( > > Thus, could you configure your IOTA in NGSIv2 mode and test...
I have tested the new image of the json-iotagent 1.17.1 which uses the lib version 2.15.1 and it worked fine for me now. -> I created a device group (/iot/services)...
I'm affraid not - I was too quick. I have done a quick test again while trying something with explicitAttrs and then my first observations were ruined. So when I...
And still the issue with the raised mongo alarm for the wrong service and the log level. Shall I create new issues for this?
> I'm affraid not - I was too quick. > I have done a quick test again while trying something with explicitAttrs and then my first observations were ruined. >...
After re-reading the issue I realized I was using the environment variable IOTA_CB_NGSI_VERSION=v2 so when I changed it to v1 it worked almost as expected with the same procedure as...
Thanks for this interesting PR! I really hope this can in fact improve read queries from the agents! Since I'm not a coding expert (I'm more like a simple user)...