For the EPG i meant a GUI themed application that you could choose when a video plays at a certain time of the day.
@fsphil got to say though this is a great piece of software been having fun with it! Will you be adding a playlist function? If so when do you predict...
@neo7530 I will be honest i have no idea how to implement that into hacktv.
Also another possible feature, having compatibility with open broadcast studio.
@neo7530 getting command not found.
@neo7530 ran the command ffmpeg -f concat -i files1.txt -c copy -f mpegts - | hacktv -f 471250000 -m i -g 47 - as a command and says unsafe filename...
@neo7530 added -safe 0 before the -i and i now get this av_interleaved_write_frame(): Broken pipe Error writing trailer of pipe:: Broken pipe
@neo7530 yeah still getting broken pipe
@neo7530 file 'files2.txt' is it suppose to be in ' '? as i notice file files1.txt is different
> It's probably easier to use xargs: `$ cat playlist.txt | xargs -d "\n" ./hacktv -f 855250000 -g 47` > I'd still like a proper playlist function within hacktv, but...