So Uchida

Results 4 issues of So Uchida

Hi, I'm building projects on the versions as below: - Python: `3.8.6` - ClearML: `0.17.2` - Trains-Server: `0.16.1` The hyperparameters are provided as `dict`-like objects to configure the training settings...

Hello, I found Layer Normalization is placed after self-attention and the residual connection in `TransformerEncoderLayer2D`. I think it is a common way of basic transformers, however, [the official implementation...

I would like to add `.lmdb` to the file formats supported by TaskOnKart.make_target(). `.lmdb` is the format used by several popular datasets, and is actually suitable for handling large datasets...


Thanks for a great repository. I am currently trying to read through your repository and was concerned about the lack of uniformity in formatting, which reduces readability. This PR introduces...