1. search, indexOf, find => 「」中尋「」。何處。 2. slice => 割「」以「」。
@lymslive My original idea was to use 或若, but 或若 could be used independently meaning only "if" (as in 《敦煌變文集· 前漢劉家太子傳》:“汝緣年少,或若治國不得, 有人奪其社稷者,汝但避投南陽郡。”), so I chose 又若 that carries the character...
[The paper by H. Aslaksen](https://www.academia.edu/6842007/The_Mathematics_of_the_Chinese_Calendar) may give some insight on how to calculate the days, but to be honest it will be a tedious job because we need to gather...
[ELP2000-85](http://adsabs.harvard.edu/full/1988A%26A...190..342C) seems to be an entry point for such an algorithm, but the formulae are for lunar movements, so dealing with 中氣 still needs further study. Edit: found a paper...
> ## 奢望Iansui0.93-Regular能夠再增補的漢字 > (略) > 「抆」拭 > https://dict.revised.moe.edu.tw/dictView.jsp?ID=162428 > (略) 支持「抆」字,粵語中有「擦拭」(例:抆屎)之意,有時亦代替「掹」(拉扯)字用,相當常用
Thanks for the info, will close the issue.