
Results 11 issues of Rz-Rz

Hello, it would be awesome to have access to the color for the Tokyo Night theme, I would love to be able to change the html color to red, the...

In this snippets folders there are two snippets, password and checkout that are incorporated in another snippets btformbox. Only the first snippets in btformbox is expanded, the second dynamic snippet...

There is a limit to the size of an expression For example, this works: `.form-body>.form-content>.form-items>form>(div.mb-3>label.form-label[for='exampleInputEmail1']{Email address}+input.form-control#exampleInputEmail1[type='email' aria- describedby='emailHelp']+div.form-text#emailHelp{We'll never share your email with anyone else.})+(.mb-3>label.form-label[for="exampleInputPassword1"]{Password}+ input[type='password' class='form-control' id='exampleInputPassword1'])` But if...

![2021-04-04 13_30_14-Window](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/52322219/113507362-4a346b80-954a-11eb-8aa9-3f2f1ceb49ae.png)

#### Environment - Operating System: Ubuntu 20.04 - Vim/Neovim version 0.7.2 - NERDTree version, found on first line of quickhelp `?`: 6.10.16 - Are you using any of these NERDTree-dependent...


Hello, first thanks for the great plugin it changed my life by allowing me to use mattn webapi. I use execute pathogen#infect() at the start of my vimrc. I installed...

J'ai remarqué que nc ne ferme pas la connexion à moins d'utiliser -N en option sur un CTRL-D. Je fail les tests de ctrl+d si je n'utilise pas cette option...

Built a dockerfile using the following image : FROM dustynv/jetson-inference:r35.4.1 When running ```bash (gst-plugin-scanner:30): GStreamer-WARNING **: 17:30:48.905: Failed to load plugin[14/1940] b/aarch64-linux-gnu/gstreamer-1.0/libgstnvdrmvideosink.so': /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/gstr eamer-1.0/libgstnvdrmvideosink.so: file too short (gst-plugin-scanner:30): GStreamer-WARNING **:...

I would like to see if it is possible to build a feature when a crow server can be generated from OpenAPI server generation feature. And also generate a yaml...


Tried to get more info on the CORS middleware however the link seems dead : https://crowcpp.org/1.0/guides/CORS/ This one aswell :https://crowcpp.org/1.0/reference/structcrow_1_1_c_o_r_s_rules.html Referenced here : https://crowcpp.org/1.0/guides/CORS/

good first issue