Ryan Slattery
Ryan Slattery
The 1 and 2 in the file names correspond to the 2 different errors mentioned above. [linear.zip](https://github.com/webonnx/wonnx/files/9539916/linear.zip)
@pixelspark Any luck replicating?
@pixelspark Thanks for the explanation but still I'm not sure how to resolve the issue exactly. Do you have any idea why PyTorch might be exporting these incorrectly? Is there...
I've also tried using onnx-simplifier as described in the documentation and get the same error. Is there something I need to set to have onnx-simplifier remove a batch dimension?
@pixelspark Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. The input shape argument is deprecated but you can currently do `python -m onnxsim onnx/model.onnx onnx/simp-model.onnx --overwrite-input-shape "input_ids:1,512" "attention_mask:1,512" "token_type_ids:1,512"` In...
It says I've got the following: javac 1.8.0_292 Is this not correct?
Found the problem. I had installed Java 8 correctly but my system was still using the default Java 11 install. All I had to do was manually switch to the...
@gante We hit ~10~ 11!
To add another suggestion for a keyword, how about `aot` for "ahead of time"? Don't really have a strong opinion on this myself but thought I'd throw it out there.
Is there some reason you need to do this in JS? The models are very compute intensive and very large so they aren't really well suited to running on a...