In my case, the first objective it should be maximized and the second and the third should be minimized. Otherwise, i don(t have au think related to the tolerance. My...
Thanks. I got it. I propose to develop more the documentation of this package as it is very useful. Thanks again
Yes , I get the idea? Unfortunatly, that for the nadir and utopia points are not developped in the MultiJuMP package, which represent important informations for the generated Pareto front...
I fthough that Phi is always fixed to 2D as mentionned in types.jl mutable struct MultiData{Tx,To} objectives::Vector{SingleObjective} f1::SingleObjective f2::SingleObjective normalf1 normalf2 linear::Bool # Number of points in each direction #...
Thanks for these clarifications. Otherwise, after generating multiple non-dominated solutions, we have to help the Decision maker which is solution is more closer to his preferences. This vector or solution...
Hi, I'm looking at BinPacking problem. Could you please explain me more in writing me a short code. Thanks