Ryan Grieb
Ryan Grieb
Right now citizen worker methods send extra unnecessary packets to the client. All the methods in general should be rewritten and be more coherent & readable.
Right now city states don't defend against players. A war declaration system would handle this.
Don't spawn created units until there is room inside the city.
Use: [https://gist.github.com/tedigc/17c2fae76e7c378a60d0b2895b111235](url)
Right now the city regen amount is a static number. Change that when there are caravans going to a city.
I don't like how units can't climb hills w/ 1 unit of movement left.
I don't want the world to be constrained. For very, very, long term battles (civ 5 AI battles on YT are fun as hell to watch) I want infinite terrain.
Currently the map regenerates on top of itself b/c of this.
Something like dwarf fortress where you can view the history of your civilization and the world as the game progresses.
Implement LUA J, and then implement all my units, civilizations, tech & culture options though LUA? For example MechaUnit.lua etc.