Ryan Daley

Results 5 comments of Ryan Daley

> Modifying property values might be tricky, especially if the IFC file has been optimised as part of the post-processing. It is possible that multiple entities and property sets actually...

@martin1cerny , I assume that I need to access the existing [IfcRelDefinesByProperties. ](https://standards.buildingsmart.org/IFC/DEV/IFC4_3/RC2/HTML/schema/ifckernel/lexical/ifcreldefinesbyproperties.htm) Because this is what defines the relationship between an object and its Psets. I wrote a Linq...

> Modifying property values might be tricky, especially if the IFC file has been optimised as part of the post-processing. It is possible that multiple entities and property sets actually...

@martin1cerny , can you maybe show how to use these methods? Its difficult to understand how these might be implemented without having any examples or context. I don't completely understand...
