Ryan Wang

Results 4 issues of Ryan Wang

## Description When nesting a horizontal `ScrollView` inside of vertical `ScrollView`, using Android Talkback to focus out of the horizontal `ScrollView` will cause the screen to scroll to the end...

Needs: Triage :mag:
Accessibility Team - Evaluated

React `18.3.0` moved the `currentProps` object into the `canonical` property. [PR here](https://github.com/facebook/react/pull/26408). This is causing us to not be able to read our FS attributes off of the component instance....

Issue: https://fullstory.atlassian.net/browse/MOCA-8076 Add methods `enableConsole ` and `disableConsole` to FullStory API that will extend React Native's `console` API. Messages will be passed to `FS.log`. Console capture defaults to enabled, and...

``` const CustomComponent = () => { return sample text } class CustomClassComponent extends React.Component { render() { return sample text } } const FSComponent = withFSAttributes(CustomComponent) const FSClassComponent =...