Rustam Gilyaev
Rustam Gilyaev
Hey @timsneath! Any ETA on the remaining steps? Thanks.
Hi @jennantilla, Our React-Native app looks like what's described in [official guide]( We call [setNotificationOpenedHandler]( in `componentDidMount()` of the entry-point screen component. Unfortunately I cannot share the whole source code...
> If it's a Flutter background isolate (see this [guide]( on how to set it up), you can just initialize Sentry again. In that case, you also don't need to...
~I've found out that if I call `SentryFlutter.init()` in the root isolate and `Sentry.init()` in other spawned isolates, the crash reports do contain release and device information even if they...
> I've found out that if I call `SentryFlutter.init()` in the root isolate and `Sentry.init()` in other spawned isolates, the crash reports do contain release and device information even if...
> So you are doing `Sentry.init` within spawned isolates and `SentryFlutter.init` in the root? Right. > Have you tried throwing the exception and catch them as global error then send...
Thanks for the clarification. I will keep the manual passing the error to root isolate for now.
@ueman Perhaps I'm missing something. But `addSentryErrorListener` doesn't seem to be available. Maybe [sentry_isolate_extension.dart]( should be exported in [sentry.dart](
Hey @Skyost ! Thanks for suggestions. Pull Requests are very welcome :)