Russel Rillema
Russel Rillema
I have the same issue. Anyone have any luck solving this?
If it means injecting the API Key in a constructor rather than in the config file we would be interested too.
You are trying to read the Result before the async has completed. something like this should work... `MailChimpCampaigns _Campaigns = new MailChimpCampaigns(); var m = _Campaigns.GetCampaignsAsync(); while (m.Status == TaskStatus.WaitingForActivation...
So to confirm the break point on line 29 never gets hit?
That is kind of strange. It worked perfectly for me. Took a couple seconds for the async operation to finish. I am not so sure what else to suggest. I...
I made a quick change here and tried to push it but when I wanted to create a merge request my branch was not there. I have never used GitHub...