You got anything for this @yarolegovich? I want to support arabic style recyclerview.
Hi @yarolegovich, thanks for awesome library. I fixed reverse layout orientation by a hack. I rotated scrollview by 180 around Y Axis and then every item in adapter also by...
My code is at production level. @edenman @JakeWharton please help.
I want to enable scroll for 2 years and storing those many items in viewpager doesn't seem to be a good idea. Has anyone implemented horizontal scroll feature?
This is again a cyclic reference. Please provide a proper solution. My code is at production level. @JakeWharton @edenman Please look at this. How to reopen this cyclic referenced issues....
same here.please give a quick solution
@mrwhite1 can you tell where you have made changes? I want to use that feature in my app.
@dmitriy-chernysh I think this is a great fix and must me merged. Good work