Jan C.
Jan C.
I just tried doctree for the first time on a Python project. It's a [serverless.com](https://serverless.com) deployed project and I noticed that when I run `doctree index .`, files in my...
Hi there, I wanted to try and use `go-astilectron` to create an application that loads another website and adds additional functionality for it - it's a website that allows downloading...
I'd like to be able to see the Invocations and Error Rate over time for a single lambda function similar to how you can see it in the "Overview" at...
Hi, I'm not exactly sure how to fully reproduce this issue, but when I perform a query(with filters) on a table with a few thousand items which narrows the results...
It would be better not to store credentials in the `~/.aws/credentials` file when refreshing credentials with `saml2aws-auto` [AWS Documentation](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/cli-configure-sourcing-external.html). ## Unsolved Issues It looks like you cannot prompt the user...
The update check is set to work with a [timeout of 400ms](https://github.com/Rukenshia/saml2aws-auto/blob/master/src/update.rs#L21). A lot of times, this means an update check will never be completed based on the users' internet...