Florent GIRAUD
Florent GIRAUD
For the related issue you mentioned, they replaces Pointer_stringify by UTF8ToString Could you try ? https://github.com/endel/NativeWebSocket/pull/54/commits/baf06b54dba0ee05a1250afefd1b404316ccf3d4
Damn, that's why this is related to your WebSockets thread: SpectatorView uses a web socket.
SimpleWebXR inputs support teleportation. https://github.com/Rufus31415/Simple-WebXR-Unity/blob/f00c57aa2241d464e6d151afcf3347266beb03fc/SimpleWebXR-Demo/Assets/SimpleWebXR/Scripts/MRTK/SimpleWebXRController.cs#L29 https://github.com/Rufus31415/Simple-WebXR-Unity/blob/7b37e75ede96f70f4f16bb968c1b487c889ba782/SimpleWebXR-Demo/Assets/SimpleWebXR/Scripts/MRTK/SimpleWebXRHand.cs#L43 But it seems to me that you have to select a teleportation compatible pointer
OK, everything seems ok, if you find what's going on, can you tell me ?
Yes this is just a workaround to move the player. But it doesn't use MRTK teleport feature. Yes I tested teleportation, but I don't think there are any examples online...
Hey :) thank you for this remark. You are the first who have tested this browser. This behavior is weird. Can you give me an example of a WebXR application...
I just asked the developers on their #web discord channel : http://magi.ca/discordb
On Android, the select event seems not to occur on screen touch
Hi! This means your browser doesn't support hit test. But I should test that XRSession contains requestHitTestSource to warn if this feature is not supported
You are right, from now on, the hit-test feature shoul be declared, I'll add that here : https://github.com/Rufus31415/Simple-WebXR-Unity/blob/a9060413037d6b5dd985abba29ed17fcd51ff79d/com.rufus31415.simplewebxr/Runtime/Plugins/WebGL/SimpleWebXR.jslib#L575 Thanks On Android, I know that for safety, in full screen mode,...