Lucky Bairagi
Lucky Bairagi
I extracted system.img file from Air 2 firmware V01.01.0670_Mavic_Air_2_dji_system.bin. But I don't how to disable hardware pairing in it. Please help if someone have any idea about it.
It is possible to calibrate the gimbal of Mini 3 pro by directly accessing the hardware of drone and triggering it to calibrate it? or just by modifying some values?...
After extracting bin file I got multiple files. 2 to 3 files has Linux directories and one file named "" has flight controller parameters I guess. After decrypting it with...
I tried to install Ubuntu touch on Redmi 4x (Santoni) using Ubports-installer. After Flashing Firmware (which basically changes Bootloader logo), it does nothing. It waits for Adb Device and device...