Rodney Ridley
Rodney Ridley
### Checklist - [X] I added a descriptive title - [X] I searched open reports and couldn't find a duplicate ### What happened? Hello, I have run into a recurrent...
I had a quick clarification question about the jaccard distance in this package vs. the scipy spatial version, when considering non-binary data. The version in this package: ``` jaccard(np.array([1,5,0,1]),np.array([1,1.45,0,1]))...
Hi, thanks for your work and recent updates on this tool! Just wanted to note one error that came up while installing this on an HPC: When using `mamba install...
Hello, I recently updated this tool and had a few questions about the new `rosella recover` bins output. Within an output folder, I see bins marked as refined, and other...
Hi, Thanks for developing this tool! I was looking to update R on a Mac with an Intel based chip. However, when I run `updateR()`, the software downloads the ARM...
Hello, I was looking to compile galah for the use of the CoverM tool, however I encountered an error consistently that seems to come from the build calling two versions...
Hi, thanks again for the development of this tool. I had a quick question in regards to the use of the `--sharded` command. I believe my reference fits the use...
Hello, I wanted to ask what methods and calculations are being used to calculate percent identity and alignment length percentage when filtering? Is this related to the NM tag, or...
Hello, thanks for your development of this tool! I was curious of your thoughts on using it on meta-omic datasets which comprise genetic information (e.g. metatranscriptomics, gene-level metagenomics)? My initial...