computer.time is designed to return the ingame time. And to not break immersion, there will be no built in irl-time. You can use millis + internet card to make your...
classes is a list of all available classes. you can use it as a lua table by accessing with [] or by dot, if the name is c++ name compliant,...
I can not reproduce this issue... I have tried with both parametric and non-parametric nick-names and it does not crash. I both saved and loaded blueprints... The 000... UUID is...
> This more or less reduces the usage of other stuff like drives. Remember its not a mod that is made to make stuff easy. I'm not a fan of...
Is the "Buzzer" available for panels not enough? Its available in the development release
There is, unfortunately, no crash information in the log.
@OHB Please verify that this functionality have been added and works as expected using the latest development build
I'll drop a link to the docs op mentioned, as pana is, afaik, the only one who can update the docs:
Yeah, one of my ideas was to buffer the data, but it generates so much overhead. I will instead first try to manipulate the CNT to see if I can...