make sure `secrets.jenkins` is available for your repo. Check Github secret configuration.
I want to deploy Chatbot App using Terraform, If I supply all ENVs would that work ?
I am still experiencing this error even after all above suggested changes. I also tried to hard code `endpoint` & `key` in the `` ``` 0%| | 0/1 [02:30
It failed for me, then this worked ``` { "driver": "postgres", "data_source": "postgres://${username}:${password}@${host}/${database}?sslmode=disable" } ```
I am also facing `8100 Certificate not issued by this issuer`. Documented my stapes here [#1105]( If you could help.
I am facing exact same issue.
> cfssl gencert -ca=intermediateCA/intermediateCA.pem -ca-key=intermediateCA/intermediateCA-key.pem -config=config.json -profile="ocsp" ocsp.csr.json |cfssljson -bare ocsp/ocsp I generated new certificate for ocsp, but still get `8100` Certificate not issued by this issuer root@cfssl-7dd777fd46-v5rq2:/# cfssl ocsprefresh...