Tobias Schmidt

Results 20 issues of Tobias Schmidt

... as produced by `model_profile` either by marking off variable deciles at the bottom of each plot the way `sklearn` does it e.g. ( or by including an entire histogram...

feature 💡
long term 📆
Python 🐍

I just tried out the gem and it doesn't seem to work at all. Here's what I get when I run the example from the readme: ``` 1.9.3p194 :001 >...

I have a variable defined in `copier.yml` like so: ```yaml private: type: bool default: true ``` Yet, despite the default value being set that default value is not displayed in...


## Prework * [x] Read and agree to the [code of conduct]( and [contributing guidelines]( * [x] If there is [already a relevant issue](, whether open or closed, comment on...

Type: ⁇ Question

Possibly related to [this]( `sqldf` seems to be losing timezone information. A reproducible example: ``` library(sqldf) library(lubridate) before

As soon as the next `styler` release is cut and [](this) goes live, add `.qmd` files to apply the `style-files` hook to.

Complexity: Low
Priority: High
Status: Unassigned
Type: Enhancement

Would it be possible to make HpBandSter available not just as a pip but also as a conda package?

Three times in Chapter 12 you use the word "minimas". That ought to be either minimums or minima, I think, minima already being the latin plural.

resolves #13

waiting for reply

All column names, irrespective of their casing in the Snowflake database, seem to be converted to lower-case. 1. What version of Python are you using (`python --version`)? 3.7.3 2. What...
