Hello , did you plan to implement a category system ? thanks for this WONDERFULL Small CMS.
Hello and thanks for this wonderfull piece of code is it possible to update to last wordpress 6.2.2 and last flutter version ? thanks
hi , great tool, but unable to translate any srt file, i write unable to connect to server ? any idea ? thanks for this beautifull tool
hello if you'are like me ,in a subdir then replace the existing htacess by this one. ErrorDocument 401 default ErrorDocument 403 default ErrorDocument 404 default ErrorDocument 500 default php_flag register_globals...
filemanager install suceffuly but won't work, all time error 500 !!! ` * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2021, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. * For licensing, see */...