Luis Felipe Perez
Luis Felipe Perez
@mstrutt you are right, but I made a workaround, I just put this lines on `.profile` / `.bashrc` file: ``` // export nvm export NVM_DIR="/home/mstrutt/.nvm" [ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] &&...
@ealves-pt after months, I give atom another chance, so, to get this work I just added this on my `.profile` file (Ubuntu 14.04) ``` # export nvm export NVM_DIR="/home/luis/.nvm" [...
I'll work on that, is a good feature.
Let me check this, probably is a typo error.
Personally, the script is not intendend to be used on production, so www is not necessary, already reject PR related with prepend www, probably the use of both could be,...
I think both option would be great, to use domain with/without www prefix
I see, I would like F3 have this out of the box, for people using another frameworks like CodeIgniter, Laravel (or Rails) this is a common behavior. UPDATE: I saw...
:+1: same here