Jean-Francois Larouche

Results 38 comments of Jean-Francois Larouche

Still usefull after packaging a node-sass with a maven copy resources. Node is different, it needs to download the executable and use the correct name while running .

Hi again, ok trying to explaion better. i updated 1st comment, now i use proper formatting. It is the .derived file. im on Eclipse Mars.1 Refreshing / Restart / Close...

Hi, Of course i can do it for each folder separatelly in webapps. I always think long term when i do something, so my rules were done ina way that...

You mean: `If a file or folder is NOT derived, mark all parents folder as not derived.` ? Well this will affect the natural traversal order. I dont think you...

Hi again, i have put an edit. I have it working perfectly with this rule combination: Since writing it this way does not affect the webapp folder. Only its childrens...

Duplicate Not really duplicate since this one comes from online guide, configuration should be working.

Well, i had to download Swagger release 2.2.10, extract `dist` forlder in `BugTrackerJHipster\src\main\webapp\swagger-ui` Change url in index.html for `url = "/v2/api-docs";` Now i dont know why the files are not...

Im on windows. Ill try when i get time to mount a Virtual box.

@salim-dev Working for me.. Thanks! i lost "some" time trying to use the chainWebpack ~~without~~ success. ``` chainWebpack: function(config) { config.module .rule('html') .test(/\.html$/) .exclude.add(/index\.html/).end() .set('loader', 'vue-template-loader') .end(); } ``` configureWebpack...

The thing is... it depends. For small objects, GSON is better. For big objects trees, Jackson2 is better. REST services is usually small to medium objects so GSON is a...