@DJames2682 , all discriben earlie was tested without any additional load on board. Also USB-C connection was tested via USB-C to USB-C wire and I get the same result as...
Cheched variant with smaller SD card - with no result. Tryed to connect via St-Link v2 (PA13(SWDIO), PA14(SWCLK)) but St-Link don't found target (STM32 ST-LINK Utility and STM32CubeProgrammer). Seems my...
All described earlier was tested only with board without any additional modules. Also checked for mechanical damage or bad soldering and didn't found anything.
 While inspect and comparing board with different sources found that I have slightly different board (red circle) also Led (D51 - Power - Yellow circle) is disabled when power...
Seems that I don't have 3.3V out on U15 regulator, just ~113mV, but 5V in is Ok. 
U15 regulator was replaced to same one, but still no power. Also was founded that U15 pin 5 has connected to GND somehow. After checking C110 seems it's not working...
Also communicated with BTT support. They proposed to unsolde U15 and retest for short. Without U15: 3.3V and GND - still connected, 5V and GND - not connected. This pic...
Forgot to add. I contacted the seller to replace the board, and he agreed to the terms of payment for the delivery. I paid for the delivery, the parcel never...