The L+R+Down+B force quit code isn't working on Old3DS. System: Nintendo 2DS Firmware: 11.0.0-33U Launcher Used: GridLauncher Payload: Spider33hax
I get Error Code 026-3010 ("The connection to the server has timed out due to inactivity.") when I try to download a theme from Theme Shop using a download code.
I would like the ability to dump e-Reader dot codes as VPK using this tool.
Why doesn't the Shift_JIS text I copied show up as Japanese when I paste it in a text editor?
Does EFE have Minecraft: New 3DS Edition support? If not, can you add it in?
Games that are exactly 2MB crash after being downloaded.
How do I open the padded script files in XSE? The XSE tutorials aren't very helpful, and all I get is a single blank line.