Rupesh Budhathoki

Results 3 issues of Rupesh Budhathoki

The content is getting cut off at the bottom. ![Screenshot_2022-03-21-23-26-00-883_com clamphook clamphook]( The table is not fully visible width wise and is not scrollable. ![Screenshot_2022-03-21-23-26-21-262_com clamphook clamphook](

Can you please make a English version of this extension? Or perhaps there is? I can't seem to find it.


Instead of ```dart print('123456 -> ${inWords.format(123456)}'); // 123456 -> 1 lakh 23 thousand 4 hundred 56 ``` Can we have ```dart print('123456 -> ${inWords.format(123456)}'); // 123456 -> one lakh twenty...