@dboslee I would like to understand more about the new e2e test requirement. What would be the short name and description for this new test? How about these: Short name:...
@arkodg Do we have any sample test code that I can mimic? I see two existing tests, ratelimit and accesslog. Which one would be a better baseline code to copy...
@arkodg Would you help me on one question? When we say reload Envoy gateway, we mean delete the gateway resource and recreate it? For example, delete gateway named 'same-namespace' in...
@arkodg I have some ideas on /config_dump, would you mind checking if I'm on the right track? Here are the steps in the reload.go test code, - Obtain Kubernetes client...
> @arkodg Would you help me on one question? When we say reload Envoy gateway, we mean delete the gateway resource and recreate it? For example, delete gateway named 'same-namespace'...
> > Could you confirm my understanding of 'restart Envoy Gateway'? This is for for the step #4. > > This means restarting the envoy gateway controller. Which can be...
> Also update on the issue which sparked this conversation, while I initially thought the issue was caused by route order changing this was just a trigger for the actual...
I did a quick manual test locally using following steps, - I created envoy gateway and quick-start resources. - I saved the envoy proxy config_dump from - Delete the...
@arkodg I have completed the initial coding work, I'm able to test the major logic as a standalone go code locally. I'm not sure how to test this new e2e...
Hi @anderseknert I would think these are the required code changes for this issue: - Add opa.ignore to '' and 'src/extension.ts' - Add '--ignore .git' to Can you please...