I have a system with a 3080 and a P4, when creating plots on the P4 most are deleted due to "Proof fetches failed", although I don't get a panic...
I've just created 4 plots on my P4 with v3.1.0-beta1, then run Bladebit_cuda check -n 100 against each of them, and they all passed. I'll try another night with v3.1.0-rc1...
Given the above I tested three plots with Bladebit_Cuda check using my P4 and 3.1.0 rc2, all three passed. I then created a plot with RC2 and the P4, and...
> Did you guys build rc2 yourselves or downloaded it from the `release` page? No, downloaded from the release page bladebit-cuda-v3.1.0-rc2-ubuntu-x86-64.tar.gz
I don't get the panic error. Using the version linked above I set it going making and checking five plots, four out the five were deleted with "Proof fetches failed...