Hello skankerror, I'm sorry for my first message, but I struggled so hard to compile the software that I discovered all the bugs related to my version and I was...
Hello, thank you for your help. I am on Ubuntu 20.04.2LTS and I am using Mapmap 0.6.2 version. I do not encounter any bugs with other video software. I got...
About GStreamer 1.0 libraries and plugins : `romainhelo@romainhelo-All-Series:~$ sudo apt-get install -y libgstreamer1.0-dev libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad gstreamer1.0-libav gstreamer1.0-vaapi gstreamer1.0-plugins-base gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-apps gstreamer1.0-plugins-good gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly gstreamer1.0-x gstreamer1.0-tools [sudo] Mot de passe de romainhelo :...
About basic development tools fot Qt projects, plus liblo for OSC support `romainhelo@romainhelo-All-Series:~$ sudo apt-get install -y liblo-dev liblo-tools qttools5-dev-tools qtmultimedia5-dev libqt5opengl5-dev libqt5multimedia5-plugins qt5-default [sudo] Mot de passe de romainhelo ...
hello, I am also using Ubuntu 20.04.2LTS I found help on this forum : [](url)