Sergey Romanchuk

Results 14 comments of Sergey Romanchuk

As an option you can set `git-tag-version = false` in your .npmrc file This will check tags before release but will not set it

Check my answer in #632

I have TCL tv. 4k lags on 30 fps settings. Also leds are always green on 4k videos (doesn't matter source YouTube or kodi)

Had a similar issue. You need to resolve OverlayRenderer as DOMOverlayRenderer. My code: ``` import { ModalModule, OverlayRenderer, DOMOverlayRenderer, Overlay } from 'angular2-modal'; import { Modal, BootstrapModalModule } from 'angular2-modal/plugins/bootstrap';...

This is still an issue. Angular 5.0.1 ngx-modialog 4.0.0-beta.3 zone.js 0.8.18 @JulioC workaround works

Is it going to be fixed? There is relative issue with iOs bank card number scanner, it doesn't fill field with mask

Fiddle example is not working either, exp field is not autofilling

Testing on Windows Chome 74 Expiration filled, but card number not. I noticed that autofill works only for field that was in focus.

@RobinHerbots just tried, still the same behaviour (

Window, Chrome 74 Android, Chrome 74 Both works! ***But*** i dont see mask displaying, not sure it works correctly. I have removed duplication of id of elements There was...